Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Story Time: The Blog that Jack Built

For the 2009 National Main Street conference, I developed the short story below to explain how a structured social media strategy using free web tools can be built to support your organization's efforts.

The Session was titled "Blogs, Multi-media and Bunnies; Three Things You Need Not Fear". The slideshow below was modeled after the children's story "The House That Jack Built" and I featured it as story time as the Session wrap up to cover the concepts discussed in a way that is memorable and easy to understand.

I am posting "The Blog That Jack Built" as a silent movie so that readers can use it for their own work, while providing the narration them selves.


The Blog that Jack Built from Robert Voigt on Vimeo.

A short story about mixing it up in the world of "free" web tools.

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